Friday, September 25, 2009

3 month pack is done will it come back?

I am days away from my first monthly bill after being on the pill for 3 months straight.I had a brief itch down below and thought wow is my bv going to come back and I need to update my fellow friends who are fighting bv. I am going to take extra precaution by using rephresh tonight so my ph levels will be balanced before it comes this coming week. I have had success with the pill! No bv for three months!!! Now is the test,let's see if it still has any affect even though I still get my period. Once I get it I'll be back on my three months of not having one. I will report back!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Birth Control to Fight BV

Hello fellow BV fighters. I have an update, birth control fighting BV. Yes birth control. I told you all that I was going to the doctor to see what was going on because my reocurring symptoms where back. Turns out I had a good old fashion yeast infeciton and not BV this time. I told her about all my research and she was very impressed. She told me what we all know, there is no cure for BV and no one knows what causes it. Too bad it's not a mans issues, if it was it would be cured in no time. She suggested trying birth control since I notice that I get it or yeast infections while on my mentrual cycle. I told you all in an earlier post that I was uneasy with this method. I'm not a big fan of birth control, altering your bodys make up. Well she took it further. She wanted me to take the pills in a way that would make me only have 4 cycles a year and limit the infections. She told me to try it and see if the infections stop, if so it proves what I thought, it is brought on by my cycle. I am going to go ahead and do it. I looked at the pros and cons and there were more pros: clear skin, less cycles, cut back on the cost of dealing with the cycles, no more BV?, less yeast infections, and best of all not constantly having to be perscribed antibiotics. I'll let you know how it goes. If anyone has given this method a try please let us know how it worked for you.

Combined oral contraceptives. Introduced in 19...Image via Wikipedia

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Shop Suggested Products on Site

I wanted to collect one place where you can find all the products used on this site that have helped me. Make sure to CLICK HERE to view the products, especially the hard to find products that might not be carried at your local store.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Anyone given this a try? I totally forgot to post about this earlier on. It has been on my list of things to look into. I wanted to see if it was worth the $30.00 and if it worked. Please let me know, if I get a few extra dollars I'll look into it and review for you all. With that I better get to bed so I can make my doctors appointment.

It's baaack!!!

Well after having success with the Natures cure and repHresh my symptoms are back! I am off to the doctor. I have set an appointment with the gyno and not my primary care,I'm sick of being told I have BV to only be given antibiotics for the 100th time. I'm hoping they can she some light on this or help me understand it. I also plan on letting them know about all my research and products I have tried that work the best. I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow night.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

An alternative to repHresh Pro B

Over the weekend while working with my recent flair up I came across Natures Cure Yeast Control Capsules. WOW!!! They work and are much more cost friendly than $31 repHresh Pro B. You take one a day (a must for them to work). It has Lactobacilluos Acidophilus cells per each capsule which is a form of healthy bacteria that is needed for the ph and balance of the vagina.

I highly recommend this product, you can find it at grocery stores, drug stores, or good old Walmart. The price tag runs around $6.99 for a 30 day supply.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Try number one....

Occasionallly I will post new finds and all the items I am giving a try. Today is try number one. I will be trying the below following my latest bought of BV:


every day this week a shot of wheat grass. Wheat grass has great detox properties and I used to take it years ago when working out. I saw great results in my skin, health, matobolism, and digestion.

Azo yeast, another great product that keeps the symptoms and discomfort of yeast infections at bay.

Tee Tree Oil, diluted with water applied with a cotton ball on the outside areas of the vagina.


In my research I have found mention that PH levels can be a cause of BV. Keeping your PH levels in balance could help or possibly solve your problem. I think that this might be the reason I have problems with BV. I have noticed that I get BV outbreaks during the end of my period when hormones and PH levels aren't at thier best. Products such as RepHresh have been designed to help get your PH levels in check. I will be trying RepHresh for the first time tonight since I am at the end of my menstural cycle and have a case of BV. I will report back my findings. In the mean time check out the product here, they also offer a pill, it's costly but might be another option. The pill taken daily is supposed to help control yest and bacteria levels in the vagina. I might give this a try on pay day since it runs about $32.00. As with this product and all I will report back my experiences.

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Balance Activ - a new treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis

A great find on youtube! Very imformative, plus it gives options for treatment at home straight from a doctor.

What is BV?

First off BV is not a sexually transmitted diseas. To sum it up it's over growth of bad bacteria in the vagina that causes a fould oder, irretation, swelling, and itching. It can be mistaken for a yeast infection. Below is the best definition I found for BV from Wikipedia:

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common cause of vaginal infection. For grammatical reasons, some people prefer to call it vaginal bacteriosis[citation needed]. It is not generally considered to be a sexually transmitted infection[1] (see causes below). BV is caused by an imbalance of naturally occurring bacterial flora, and should not be confused with yeast infection (candidiasis), or infection with Trichomonas vaginalis (trichomoniasis) which are not caused by bacteria.

Hemena is a bacterial infection of the vagina. It's named after a bacterial build up on the hymen. Not to be confused with yeast infections, this disease can only occur in women. It's an unhealthy amount of bacteria infecting the membrane.

Now that you know what BV I ask you to continue to educate yourself and help others. Use this blog to do just that, spread the word!

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