Sunday, March 20, 2011

A PH Balanced Tampon

RePhresh has a new product out! A tampon that claims to balance your PH levles while on your period. To me this seems too good to be true and might be considering that only 25 women were tested for it's claims. For those of us suffering from BV it could be a good product if it works. During your period your PH level becomes very high and is out of the normal 3.5 to 4.5 range. This makes for perfect conditions for BV to form (bad bacteria attributed to out of whack PH levels). I found a great link that talked more about the product and claims HERE.

I persaonlly haven't tried the product yet but stumbled upon it at Bed Bath & Beyond in the beauty section. At the current moment I am trying all natrual cotton tampons without chemicals and whiteners (I never knew about chlorine being in tampons and pads, which could be another culprit of BV and yeast infections). We will see how it goes. I am a big fan of RePhresh's other prdoucts like Pro B and the PH gel. If you have tried the product and had good results let us know. I might break down and give it a try if my use of all natural cotton products doesn't work. I haven't had a bought of BV since I last wrote, but always worry that it will come back. I have my PH test kit ready for whenever I feel like it might be coming on. I leave you with the video advertisement of the product, till next time ladies.

Friday, February 4, 2011

A Possible Cure

It's been a while since I have posted to the blog, probably too long. Hopefully I have helped you ladies out there who have been experiencing the same problem. I decided that I needed to keep up the blog and get more information out to you all about BV. With that said let's get to it...

I came back from the doctor yesterday to be diagnosed with another bout of BV! I thought I had a mild yeast infection. I didn't have the usual symptoms of BV. I think the main reason it came back was because I wasn't consistently taking my pro biotic. This pro biotic has kept me from getting BV since the summer. My OBGYN (the best I have seen to date) said I have an over production of yeast (many things can set it off, PH levels out of whack, intercourse, being sick, not getting enough rest, stress, poor diet). He said it was normal in his practice and many women get it, he prescribes Rephresh before and after menstruating and taking Jarrow's femdophilus pro biotic daily. This seems to be the best defense. The pro biotic is made especially for vaginal and urinary tract health. I have been following this prescription up until the past month when I ran out of the pro biotic, which I will never let happen again. From here out I will keep stock of this supplement. In addition I will continue to eat healthy diet (limit sugar is a biggy) and make sure I get enough sleep and eliminate stress. I highly advise trying this. The pro biotic might be pricey at $20 and up, but it's your health we are talking about. You can find the pro biotic at your local health food store or online.

Give it a try and let me know how it works, I wish you the best. So far this is the only cure that I have found.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's Been A While - Welcome Back

Sorry all, I got super busy and let my blog go not to mention almost thought about deleting it. Good news is, I found a cure and a Doctor that knew what he was talking about. I will update you all shortly with a new post on my findings and what is believed to cause BV or yeast overgrowth.