Monday, July 13, 2009

Anyone given this a try? I totally forgot to post about this earlier on. It has been on my list of things to look into. I wanted to see if it was worth the $30.00 and if it worked. Please let me know, if I get a few extra dollars I'll look into it and review for you all. With that I better get to bed so I can make my doctors appointment.

It's baaack!!!

Well after having success with the Natures cure and repHresh my symptoms are back! I am off to the doctor. I have set an appointment with the gyno and not my primary care,I'm sick of being told I have BV to only be given antibiotics for the 100th time. I'm hoping they can she some light on this or help me understand it. I also plan on letting them know about all my research and products I have tried that work the best. I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow night.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

An alternative to repHresh Pro B

Over the weekend while working with my recent flair up I came across Natures Cure Yeast Control Capsules. WOW!!! They work and are much more cost friendly than $31 repHresh Pro B. You take one a day (a must for them to work). It has Lactobacilluos Acidophilus cells per each capsule which is a form of healthy bacteria that is needed for the ph and balance of the vagina.

I highly recommend this product, you can find it at grocery stores, drug stores, or good old Walmart. The price tag runs around $6.99 for a 30 day supply.