Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Birth Control to Fight BV

Hello fellow BV fighters. I have an update, birth control fighting BV. Yes birth control. I told you all that I was going to the doctor to see what was going on because my reocurring symptoms where back. Turns out I had a good old fashion yeast infeciton and not BV this time. I told her about all my research and she was very impressed. She told me what we all know, there is no cure for BV and no one knows what causes it. Too bad it's not a mans issues, if it was it would be cured in no time. She suggested trying birth control since I notice that I get it or yeast infections while on my mentrual cycle. I told you all in an earlier post that I was uneasy with this method. I'm not a big fan of birth control, altering your bodys make up. Well she took it further. She wanted me to take the pills in a way that would make me only have 4 cycles a year and limit the infections. She told me to try it and see if the infections stop, if so it proves what I thought, it is brought on by my cycle. I am going to go ahead and do it. I looked at the pros and cons and there were more pros: clear skin, less cycles, cut back on the cost of dealing with the cycles, no more BV?, less yeast infections, and best of all not constantly having to be perscribed antibiotics. I'll let you know how it goes. If anyone has given this method a try please let us know how it worked for you.

Combined oral contraceptives. Introduced in 19...Image via Wikipedia

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