Saturday, November 16, 2013

Store Update

I don't update this blog as much since I found a cure (see the previous post). But I did go in and update the product store with the items I am currently using to maintain and I'm doing well. Check out the store on the right side bar or click HERE.

As for an update on my regimen:

  1. Eating healthy a Paleo style diet
  2. Take Zymex instead of a Femdophilus, two a night every day
  3. I try to get as much exercise as possible or stay active
  4. Lost of water, pretty much the only thing in addition to tea that I drink
  5. Last is at least 7 hours of sleep.

What are you doing currently to maintain your battle, any recommend products you use?


  1. I'm so excited to try the Paleo Diet. Thanks so much for posting your cure. I keep a blog of my experiences with each remedy here:

  2. It really has a lot to do with diet believe it or not. After a recent move and going back to junk food and sugar it has come back, more so yeast infections in general. I'm about to do a cleanse and try my best to get back to eating clean.

  3. Hi! I know it's been a while since this post, but I wanted to ask you about Zymex - does it work like femdophilus? I take fem D now and lately it's just not enough, and too costly to be taking 2-4 every day. I want to try Zymex but really don't know much about it.


    1. Hey. Sorry for the delay. It does work, it balances out the yeast overgrowth (Candida) in the body. It is actually better because it deals with the gut issue overall. My nutritionist highly recommended it and it's something I will probably always have to take. Check it out on Amazon here: Warning this is pricy as well, but read the reviews and take into consideration that I take it and don't plan on stopping at all. It's a great investment in your overall health.

    2. Thanks for getting back to me. I'm going to try this - your blog has been really encouraging, glad you finally found a cure!

  4. Hello -

    I wanted to ask if you are still cured from the BV?
    If so - did you add anything to your regimen?
    Thanks Kathryn

  5. Hello Kathryn,

    So far I've been doing good! If I stick to my diet, manage stress and exercise. But I will say that lately I have been struggling with yeast infections (among other things) and I want to put out there anyone reading this should get their blood work done to make sure you might not have other health issues and yeast infections of BV are a complication of it. Turns out my yeast infections my be part of a larger health issue, an auto immune disorder called Sjorgren's syndrome, you can learn more about it here:

    ~ Fighting BV Blog
