Friday, May 21, 2010

It's Baaaack! Darn it to heck.

I haven't had an update in about a year. Well bad news is I still have been getting yeast infections and had a horrible case that turned into a skin rash in adjacent to a good old fashion women's yeast infection. I was in unbearable pain with the itching, stinging, burning and everything else that comes with it.

Yes it's back, and never went aways from my findings. This blog has helped me a lot and made me think I might have an overall immune deficiency, thyroid problem, or overall yeast infection problem causing other ailments like hormonal problems, acne flair ups, and acne scaring. Check this site out and educate yourself:

Also a key note, don't trust what your doctor says, do your research!!! Once again I was told by my doctor, gynecologist, and nurses that women and some people just get them a lot (deal with it basically and don't wear pantie hose or thongs...WTF, that doesn't help). Ok we weren't born with all these issues they are a product of something not being right in our system / body. Turns out it could be a lot of things like antibiotics in our food, perscription drugs, and the good we eat. I am taking an overall aggressive approach from hear out. I am back on the Nature's Cure pills (I liked the Pro B better but it's $30 a bottle for 30 pills), off birth control (another possible culprit), taking wheat grass daily, going to a nutritionist, and changing my diet (trying to get off of sweets, carbs, and dairy which all feed the fungus or yeast infection), and managing stress levels with meditation and exercise. As for my skin I am seeing a dermatologist, and esthatician, plus I have made a doctors appointment to check my thyroid, for allergies, or an immune deficiency. Wish me luck on this round. I'll continue to keep you all posted on any possible cures.

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